Statistics are always an important indication of the way the Watchtower organization portrays itself, especially given that the Leadership places so much emphasis on them. This year's stats reflect, more or less, the parameters established last year, with minor variations, given localized circumstances, appearing here and there.
The bottom line is that there is a growth, albeit modest, which might present a mild form of relief to the GB seeing that last year was a historic one, being one hundred years after the 1914 invisible installation of the Watchtower Jesus as a "king" of something or other.
There are several ways one can make sense of these numbers, and I propose the following four:
1. Growth, as was demonstrated last year, is inordinately top heavy, with just ten countries accounting for a whopping 67% of the recruits garnered though the Watchtower evangelistic impulse. This is s slight increase over last year, where the top ten accounted for 62% of this growth. But there are changes.
TOP TEN 2013 - [Figures in brackets represent the nearest thousand in increase]
1. Mexico [27.8]
2. USA [11.5]
3. Republic of Congo [11.3]
4. Brazil [10.9]
5. Nigeria [8.3]
6. Angola [7.3]
7. Philippines [6.9]
8. Columbia [5.1
9. Venezuela [4.6]
10. Ghana [4.3]
TOP TEN 2014
1. Mexico [25.4]
2. USA [18.8]
3. Brazil [18.5]
4.Nigeria [9.1]
5. Angola [8.5]
6. Zambia [8.4]
7. Ghana [5.8]
8. Republic of Congo [5.6]
9. Venezuela [5.6]
10. Philippines [5.5]
The Congo Republic has slipped from number 3 to number 8 because of its reduced result, and Columbia has dropped out while Zambia has replaced it. Last year the top ten accounted for 98, 418 recruits, while this year the number is 111, 714.
2. Another way of looking at this top heavy listing is to observe that just one country, Mexico, has made more recruits than 19 other countries, many of them quite substantial in the Watchtower stable. Mexico has made more converts than the following nations combined:
Mozambique, France, Madagascar, Britain, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Italy, Guatemala Rwanda, Nicaragua, Russia, Cameroon, Bolivia, Honduras, Indonesia, Australia, Dominica, Kenya, and Chile. [Countries listed as 17 through 35]
3. With the loss of the Congo Republic from the Top Ten, the number of countries returning a 5 figure increase has been reduced from 4 to 3. Countries returning a 4 figure increase have been reduced from 27 last year to 24 this year.
4. Whereas the top 10 account for 67% growth, the bottom 106 nations [listed as numbers 133 to 239, including the 30 "other" lands] provide for less than a 1% percent increase, leaving one to question the efficacy of the Watchtower evangelistic output in these countries. They seem to exist purely for a bureaucratic compulsion to suggest some sort of widely dispersed penetration of the world.